The Borough of Conshohocken Borough Council is accepting letters of interest, resumes, and applications for two vacancies for a one or two-year term on the Mary Wood Park Commission.
The purpose of the Mary Wood Park Commission is to ensure that the park grounds and buildings meet the capital and operational needs of the community. Borough Council must approve all plans and expenditures for maintenance and improvements of the park grounds and buildings.
Any interested party must be a current resident of the Borough of Conshohocken for at least one full year. Please complete an application and forward it along with a cover letter and resume to the following address:
Borough Hall
Attn: Brittany Rogers
400 Fayette Street, Suite 200
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Questions about this notice should be addressed to Brittany Rogers, Executive Assistant to the Borough Manager, at brogers@conshohockenpa.gov or (610) 828-1092.