NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Conshohocken Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing on December 16, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. prevailing time at Conshohocken Borough Hall, located at 400 Fayette Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428. At this time, the Conshohocken Zoning Hearing Board will hear testimony and accept evidence on the following petition(s):
PETITIONER: Carriages of Conshohocken, LLC (successor to Craft Custom Homes, LLC)
PREMISES INVOLVED: 541 East Hector Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428
LI – Limited Industry Zoning District
Residential Overlay
The Petitioner is seeking an extension of the following Special Exception and Variances granted at the November 19, 2018 Conshohocken Borough Zoning Hearing and extended at the June 17, 2020 Hearing from Conshohocken Borough Zoning Code Sections §27-703.E.(6); §27-1903.B.(2), (9), & (12) to convert the site to a residential use; a building addition and expansion of a nonconforming building; to provide twelve (12) dwelling units whereas only nine (9) dwelling units are permitted; to permit parking to be located under the building rather than to the rear the building; and to permit the development on a 12,000 SF lot size whereas a one (1)-acre tract area is required under the Residential Overlay District.
PETITIONER: Joseph DelBuono Inc., c/o James DelBuono
PREMISES INVOLVED: 313 West 6th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428
BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The Petitioner is seeking a Variance from Section §27-1005.F to permit the construction of a new 240 SF roof over the existing rear deck which will further increase the building coverage to 38% on the lot, whereas the maximum building coverage shall not exceed 35% within the BR-1 zoning district.
PETITIONER: Millennium IV Land Owner LLC – The applicant has requested a continuance to the January 27, 2025 Zoning Hearing Board Meeting.
PREMISES INVOLVED: 05-00-11856-10-9 (Unit E)
05-00-11856-11-8 (Unit F)
05-00-11856-12-7 (Unit G)
05-00-11856-93-7 (Unit H)
05-00-11856-14-5 (Unit J)
SP-2 – Specially Planned District 2
FP – Floodplain Conservation Overlay District
The Petitioner is seeking a Variance from the following Sections of the Zoning Ordinance:
- Section §27-1503.3.C - to permit a building height greater than 85 feet for a building that is located further than 2,000 feet from a SEPTA rail station;
- Section §27-1504.F.(2) - to permit a maximum impervious coverage of 79%, whereas not more than 70% of the area of any lot in the SP-2 zoning district is permitted;
- Section §27-1505.B.(3) - to permit a building separation on the same lot of 17.9 feet, whereas a minimum 30 feet building separation is required;
- Section §27-1509.2.C - to permit a visible parking structure fronting parallel to the Schuylkill River in connection to a maximum building profile longer than 350 feet; and,
- Section §27-1714.1.A, B, D, F, G, H, and K - to permit the construction of the proposed office buildings with podium parking decks and associated site clearing, filling, placement, and related improvements within the FP- Floodplain conservation overlay district, whereas such activities, uses, and permanent structures are prohibited.
PETITIONER: Derek and Makenzie Dalmolin – The applicant has withdrawn the application.
PREMISES INVOLVED: 447 West 6th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428
BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1
The petitioner is seeking a Special Exception pursuant to Section §27-823 and a Variance from Section §27-823.B to permit a group home use within the BR-1 – Borough Residential District 1; and to permit the required two (2) off-street parking spaces for the group home use to be located in the front yard of the group home, whereas no off-street parking spaces shall be located in the area between the front wall of the principal structure and the curb of the street toward which that wall is oriented.
Interested parties are invited to participate in the hearing. Anyone requiring special accommodations to attend should contact the Conshohocken Borough Administration Office at 610-828-1092 or zoning@conshohockenpa.gov as soon as possible to have arrangements made.
- Call to Order
- Appearance of Property
- Public Comment – (state your name, address, and property reference)
- Announcements/Discussion
- Adjournment