The Borough of Conshohocken Borough Council is accepting letters of interest, resumes, and applications for Board and Commission vacancies.
The complete list of current Board and Commission vacancies can be viewed at the link below.
View Current Board & Commission Vacancies
Those interested in serving on a citizen board or commission must be a resident of the Borough of Conshohocken for at least one (1) full year to be considered. Additional qualifications may apply.
Citizens may serve on two or more boards simultaneously. It is important that members regularly attend meetings of the board, authority, or commission to which they are appointed. Failure to attend regular meetings without a valid reason may result in removal.
To apply, please submit a completed application for appointment, a resume, and a cover letter. Please also include any relevant information and experience that may benefit the committee you are applying for. Conshohocken Borough Council requires all applicants to undergo a criminal background check as part of the application process.
Please direct all inquiries and send all application documents to:
Paige Mullen
Assistant to the Borough Manager
Mailing Address
Borough Hall
400 Fayette Street
Suite 200
Conshohocken, PA 19428