The Borough of Conshohocken prints and mails two newsletters each year (bi-annual cycle). A fall/winter issue is released the end of August and a spring/summer issue is mailed in the beginning of March. The Borough partners with Hometown Press Publishing Company (HTP), Community Business Network (CBN) and ASAP Mailing to complete and mail each newsletter. CBN sells advertising space in the newsletter to offset the costs of design and printing, while HTP designs each newsletter at no cost (paid for by advertising). The Borough pays the supplemental costs of mailing and postage for each newsletter.
What is included in each newsletter?
Newsletters feature Council and department contact information, as well as highlights on upcoming events or initiatives. They also include seasonal information, such as snow removal guidelines, trash and recycling holidays, and recreational programs and activities. Detailed information about recreational programs, events, rental opportunities, memberships, and more can be found in the Recreation Services’ Activity Guide.
Where do newsletter get mailed?
5,750 newsletters get printed and mailed to households each newsletter cycle. The Borough distributes newsletters to the following carrier routes within the 19428 zip code:
- EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail)
- C006, C007, C008, C011, C014, C018
- Business & Residential
What if I didn't receive a newsletter?
If for some reason your household did not receive a newsletter, please contact the Borough of Conshohocken at 610-828-1092 and we will mail a copy directly to your address.
Interested in advertising in the Borough newsletter?
Those interested in adverting in the Borough's newsletter should contact CBN directly at 215-262-3617 or email Advertising opportunities, page specifications and pricing can be found below.
Ad Specifications
- Single (3.65 x 1.75)
- Double (3.65 x 3.75 or 7.5 x 1.75)
- Quad (2 doubles / 7.5 x 3.75)
- Full Page (7.5 x 10)
Ad Costs for Single Issue Only
- Single Ad: $275.00
- Double Ad: $425.00
- Quad Ad: $625.00
- Full Page Ad: $1,295.00
Ad Costs for More Than One Issue
- Single Ad: $225.00 per issue
- Double Ad: $325.00 per issue
- Quad Ad: $445.00 per issue
- Full Page: $950.00 per issue
Current Borough Newsletter
- 2025 Spring Summer Newsletter
Newsletter Archives
- 2024-25 Fall/Winter Newsletter
- 2024 Spring/Summer Newsletter
- 2023-24 Fall/Winter
- 2023 Spring/Summer
- 2022-23 Fall/Winter
- 2022 Spring/Summer
- 2021-2022 Fall/Winter
- 2021 Spring/Summer
- 2020-2021 Fall/Winter
- 2020 Spring/Summer
- 2019-2020 Fall/Winter
- 2019 Spring/Summer
- 2018-2019 Fall/Winter
- 2018 Spring/Summer
- 2017 Fall
- 2017 Spring
- 2016 Fall
- 2016 Spring